
Takaomi Ichinose, son of a high-powered executive, doesn't like his bodyguard, Touya Kurosaki. Touya is younger than him, but you wouldn't know it from his attitude!
Fed up with being monitored 24-7, Takaomi schemes to get Touya off his back by making him drink something questionable...
But, his plan backfires! The usually calm and collected Touya gets so cute, Takaomi can't resist the urge to pin him to the ground!
Despite all this, there's a reason Touya is determined to protect his charge at all costs...
A rebellious rich boy messes around with his baby-faced, bad-mannered bodyguard, which leads to... true love!?


Yaoi_MangaMillionaires/BillionairesLocalized by Renta100pts-199pts200pts-299ptsUpgrade

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Buaiso BG no Torisetsu

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What to Do with a Bad-Mannered Bodyguard (6)

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