
"We both like men." ...That's where their hidden lives end, but secret rules begin... Rio's eyes are always on his high school classmate, Etsu. He's damaged, but his looks are more than enough to make up for that. Sadly, there is something that will always keep these two apart... They're both bottoms. Enjoy all three chapters of the smash hit "Rule Number One", plus bonus stories, in this collection!


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Sachi Murakami

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[Sold by Chapter] Rule Number One (1)

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pages: 40

[Sold by Chapter] Rule Number One (2)

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[Sold by Chapter] Rule Number One (3)

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[Sold by Chapter] Rule Number One (4)

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[Sold by Chapter] Rule Number One (5)

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[Sold by Chapter] Rule Number One (6)

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[Sold by Chapter] Rule Number One (7)

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[Sold by Chapter] Rule Number One (8)

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[Sold by Chapter] Rule Number One (9)

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pages: 14

[Sold by Chapter] Rule Number One (10)

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[Sold by Chapter] Rule Number One (11)

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