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"As long as she's happy, I don't care what happens to me!" So swore Jennifer when she gave birth to her daughter at the age of sixteen. Unable to support the child herself, she had to give her away. Twelve years later, she hasn't heard a word about her daughter and Jennifer has become a successful car dealership manager. She is intent on her work when a charming man named Brian appears. He is looking for the birth mother of his twelve-year-old niece, who just lost her foster family to a terrible tornado... Will Jennifer reunite with her daughter?



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Product Details

artist :

Hiromi Kobayashi

original novel :

Tara Taylor Quinn

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Item List Current ch. 12 completed

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[Sold by Chapter] The Birth Mother vol.1

pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter] The Birth Mother vol.2

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[Sold by Chapter] The Birth Mother vol.3

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[Sold by Chapter] The Birth Mother vol.4

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[Sold by Chapter] The Birth Mother vol.5

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter] The Birth Mother vol.6

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter] The Birth Mother vol.7

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter] The Birth Mother vol.8

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter] The Birth Mother vol.9

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter] The Birth Mother vol.10

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter] The Birth Mother vol.11

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter] The Birth Mother vol.12

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pages: 19

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