
When flight attendant Lucy met the Mardivinian prince Guido on a flight, they became casual lovers. After a year, Guido invites her to his nephew's baptism in his home kingdom. Because of their differences in station, Lucy has been forcing herself to keep the relationship as shallow as possible, so as not to burden the prince, and his invitation surprises her. Does he actually love her? But when they arrive in Mardivino, Lucy learns his true motives!



Classic_Romance_MangaRoyalty/NoblesResort/VacationFree1pt-99ptsUpgrade Completed

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artist :

Yukako Midori

original novel :

Sharon Kendrick

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Item List Current ch. 12 completed

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[Sold by Chapter] The Prince's Love-Child_01

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[Sold by Chapter] The Prince's Love-Child_02

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[Sold by Chapter] The Prince's Love-Child_03

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[Sold by Chapter] The Prince's Love-Child_04

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[Sold by Chapter] The Prince's Love-Child_05

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[Sold by Chapter] The Prince's Love-Child_06

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[Sold by Chapter] The Prince's Love-Child_07

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[Sold by Chapter] The Prince's Love-Child_08

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[Sold by Chapter] The Prince's Love-Child_09

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[Sold by Chapter] The Prince's Love-Child_10

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[Sold by Chapter] The Prince's Love-Child_11

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[Sold by Chapter] The Prince's Love-Child_12

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