
Cassandra, the youngest daughter of a prestigious family, ignores the disapproval of her parents and becomes a member of a team of surgeons providing medical care in Africa. Even though the project will take her into combat zones, she's sure it's worth the risk. But when she learns that an old acquaintance is also on the team, Cassandra suddenly wants to leave the mission behind. She can't let herself be fooled for a second time by Vidal Arroyo Martinez and his alluring silver eyes



Classic_Romance_MangaDoctors/ScientistsFate/DestinyFree1pt-99ptsUpgrade Completed

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artist :

Ao Chimura

original novel :

Olivia Gates

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Item List Current ch. 12 completed

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[Sold by Chapter] AIRBORNE EMERGENCY_04

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[Sold by Chapter] AIRBORNE EMERGENCY_05

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[Sold by Chapter] AIRBORNE EMERGENCY_06

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[Sold by Chapter] AIRBORNE EMERGENCY_07

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[Sold by Chapter] AIRBORNE EMERGENCY_08

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[Sold by Chapter] AIRBORNE EMERGENCY_09

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[Sold by Chapter] AIRBORNE EMERGENCY_10

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[Sold by Chapter] AIRBORNE EMERGENCY_11

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[Sold by Chapter] AIRBORNE EMERGENCY_12

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