
"You feel that good by my fingers? Turns me on so much." Sensitive inside's being stirred up by a young male... No... Gonna cum...!! Although devoted to her work, Tamaki, a university teacher, is feeling the pressure of marriage before her 32nd birthday. That's when an old student of hers, Itsuki, brings up a promise of marriage from the past!? Can't get married so suddenly! But being pursued strongly by the male who is 12 years younger, it is decided they will do half a year of trial marriage!? Being pushed down without hesitation and roughly licked in an embarrassing area... Body's going to melt...!


Mature_Romance_MangaYounger_BoyfriendAge_GapCollege100pts-199pts Completed

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Product Details

author :

Koeda Mayuzumi

publisher :

Mobile Media Research

Rating :


Japanese :

Mondomuyode Oreno Yome Junisai Shitano Osuni Semararetemasu

Localization by :

Mobile Media Research

Item List Current ch. 6 completed

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No use in arguing, you're my wife! -Being pursued by a male 12 years younger 1

Pages: 27

No use in arguing, you're my wife! -Being pursued by a male 12 years younger 2

Pages: 27

No use in arguing, you're my wife! -Being pursued by a male 12 years younger 3

Pages: 27

No use in arguing, you're my wife! -Being pursued by a male 12 years younger 4

Pages: 27

No use in arguing, you're my wife! -Being pursued by a male 12 years younger 5

Pages: 27

No use in arguing, you're my wife! -Being pursued by a male 12 years younger 6

Pages: 27

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