
Even though she's the daughter of a prestigious family, Bertha is cruelly oppressed by her stepmother and stepsister. At her own birthday party, she finds herself despondent, wearing an awful dress and standing alone against the wall. In complete contrast to the way the guests fawn over her beautiful stepsister, no one goes near Bertha. But then, one young doctor, Oliver, calls out to her. "Why are you so sad?" With his sharp insight, Oliver discovers how cruelly Bertha is treated and, unbeknownst to her, begins working to save her!



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Natsu Momose

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[Sold by Chapter] A CHRISTMAS PROPOSAL_04

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[Sold by Chapter] A CHRISTMAS PROPOSAL_05

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[Sold by Chapter] A CHRISTMAS PROPOSAL_06

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[Sold by Chapter] A CHRISTMAS PROPOSAL_07

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[Sold by Chapter] A CHRISTMAS PROPOSAL_08

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[Sold by Chapter] A CHRISTMAS PROPOSAL_09

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[Sold by Chapter] A CHRISTMAS PROPOSAL_10

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[Sold by Chapter] A CHRISTMAS PROPOSAL_11

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[Sold by Chapter] A CHRISTMAS PROPOSAL_12

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