Naughty Models -A Sensual Picture Book Of Beefy Guys In Suits-

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This is the first manga from Satomichi, a fresh graduate of Junet's manga classes and master of drawing muscly men!!
Arata, a salesperson at a luxury suit boutique, views the hottie Makoto, who works in the same shopping mall, as his enemy. Arata is not content unless he's the best at everything, so he gets annoyed every time he seems Makoto... until one day, when he wakes up to sticky bedsheets after a saucy dream starring his rival. Out of shock, Arata ends up finding himself more attracted to Makoto. One night after the mall closes, he sees the lights on at Makoto's shop and decides to drop by. However, when he walks in, he's startled to see Makoto doing the same things he was doing in Arata's dream!!After Arata has a spicy dream about his rival Makoto, he's shocked to find Makoto working late one night after the shopping mall closes acting out the very same things he did in Arata's dream!


Yaoi_MangaOlder_GuysYounger_TopsLocalized by RentaUpgrade Full Volume/Tankobon

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Junet Co.,LTD

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Japanese :

Iyarashii Manekin Gachimuchi Suits Seiyokuzu

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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

Naughty Models -A Sensual Picture Book Of Beefy Guys In Suits-

rental available
Pages: 198

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March 23, 2023 (JST)
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