A Three - Star Meal Straight To Your Heart (1)

pages: 23


Yasutsugu and Hayato have an incredibly codependent relationship. They've been friends since they were kids. Hayato comes from a super rich family and can't take care of himself to save his life. Yasutsugu, on the other hand, is forever picking up after Hayato and cooking meals for the ridiculously picky eater. But, one day, something happens that changes their whole dynamic, and Hayato tells Yasutsugu he can't ever come to his restaurant again...


Yaoi_MangaChildhood_FriendsMillionaires/BillionairesLocalized by Renta100pts-199pts200pts-299ptsUpgrade

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Mitsuboshi Gohano Meshiagare

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A Three - Star Meal Straight To Your Heart (1)

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pages: 23

A Three - Star Meal Straight To Your Heart (2)

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A Three - Star Meal Straight To Your Heart (3)

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A Three - Star Meal Straight To Your Heart(4)

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A Three - Star Meal Straight To Your Heart(5)

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A Three - Star Meal Straight To Your Heart(6)

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A Three - Star Meal Straight To Your Heart(7)

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A Three - Star Meal Straight To Your Heart(8)

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A Three - Star Meal Straight To Your Heart (9)

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