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One day out of nowhere, a mysterious virus makes every woman in the world have the intelligence of a dog.
Men, unaffected by the virus, oversee the retraining of these bitch dogs, turning them into housepets.
Since half of all women around the world have become nothing more than domesticated animals, it goes without saying that even people I know have turned into mindless dogs...
An ex-idol's creepy fan turns her into his pet, feeding her his semen everyday instead of milk.
My former tsundere childhood friend has become a bitch dog in heat. Even her mom and little sister are now for salae in the local pet shop...
Once a strict teacher who struck fear in her students, Ms. Kyoko is now being used as a tool to train other mutts...
Even former gyaru girls who used to take my money have been trained to be my personal cockslaves...


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Product Details

author :

Shibire hitsuji

publisher :


Rating :


Japanese :

Nazonoirusu De Joseinohotondo Gachinoshisuzerono Mesuinuninattasekai

Localization by :

MediBang Inc.

Item List Current ch. 1 completed

Fuck-Puppies -Transformed into Brainless Bitches by a Mysterious Virus

pages: 25

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