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Eight years ago, Leah moved with her brother to the Arabian kingdom of Qatama, where she has served as Princess Samira's nursemaid ever since. However, on the night before Princess Samira's wedding to the neighboring nation of Zubani's Sheikh Sharif, Leah is brought before the king and accused of conspiring with her brother to kidnap the princess. Her punishment: exile. But before Leah can board a plane back to Australia, she is apprehended by Sheikh Sharif, who seeks recompense for this disgrace.


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Product Details

artist :

Esu Chihara

original novel :

Emma Darcy

Publisher :


Rating :


Japanese :

Sheikh ni Torawarete

Localization by :


Item List Current ch. 12 completed

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[Sold by Chapter]THE SHEIK'S REVENGE 01

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[Sold by Chapter]THE SHEIK'S REVENGE 02

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[Sold by Chapter]THE SHEIK'S REVENGE 03

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[Sold by Chapter]THE SHEIK'S REVENGE 04

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]THE SHEIK'S REVENGE 05

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]THE SHEIK'S REVENGE 06

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[Sold by Chapter]THE SHEIK'S REVENGE 07

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]THE SHEIK'S REVENGE 08

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]THE SHEIK'S REVENGE 09

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]THE SHEIK'S REVENGE 10

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]THE SHEIK'S REVENGE 11

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]THE SHEIK'S REVENGE 12

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pages: 18

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