
"Changing appearance won't deceive me. You'll repay me for what you've done!" An Italian visits Milly out of the blue in a remote Welsh town. He says she must go with him to Italy and return the money she had stolen. "He's mistaking me for my twin sister, Jilly." Since Jilly left for Italy leaving debt to Milly and their mother, Milly hasn't been able to reach her. Jilly doesn't even know about their mother's death. "Do I have to be punished by this beautiful man for what my sister has done?"


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Product Details

artist :

Ryo Takase

original novel :

Diana Hamilton

Publisher :


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Japanese :

TOSUKANA no Yuutsu

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[Sold by Chapter]THE ITALIAN'S PRICE 05

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[Sold by Chapter]THE ITALIAN'S PRICE 06

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[Sold by Chapter]THE ITALIAN'S PRICE 07

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[Sold by Chapter]THE ITALIAN'S PRICE 09

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[Sold by Chapter]THE ITALIAN'S PRICE 10

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[Sold by Chapter]THE ITALIAN'S PRICE 11

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[Sold by Chapter]THE ITALIAN'S PRICE 12

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