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Life has been tough for Max Sheridan, but he's fought tooth-and-nail to become a major player in international business. Having made his money, he's out to find the one thing that would make his life complete, and a wife and children are the only thing Max can't buy. What he can buy is the services of manners consultant Jessie Martinelli. Employing this lady to help him find the woman of his dreams was a smart idea, but is he smart enough to realize that she might actually be the one he's looking for?


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Product Details

artist :

Miho Tomoi

original novel :

Judith McWilliams

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Item List Current ch. 12 completed

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[Sold by Chapter]MADE-TO-ORDER WIFE 01

pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]MADE-TO-ORDER WIFE 02

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]MADE-TO-ORDER WIFE 03

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]MADE-TO-ORDER WIFE 04

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]MADE-TO-ORDER WIFE 05

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]MADE-TO-ORDER WIFE 06

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]MADE-TO-ORDER WIFE 07

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]MADE-TO-ORDER WIFE 08

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]MADE-TO-ORDER WIFE 09

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]MADE-TO-ORDER WIFE 10

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]MADE-TO-ORDER WIFE 11

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pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]MADE-TO-ORDER WIFE 12

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pages: 20

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