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Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness - The Beginning

pages: 129

Series Review


Before the events of the 2021 animated series, Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness, Leon Kennedy is called in to investigate alongside Pittsburgh PD when a bomb kills a guard at the Carnegie Museum of Art. But when that guard rises from the autopsy table and begins a chain reaction of undead corpses hunting for blood, Leon is once again caught in a complex web of intrigue. A terrorist cult, a mysterious virus, and the corpses of the dead returning to life to assault the living… "How a story is portrayed is as important as what it portrays. And here is where this graphic novel shines. The pacing is perfect, the artwork is as gritty as the story and that's a good thing. The humanity of it all, the little nuances that are usually overlooked with human emotions in works of fiction are easy to pick up and that's not only commendable, it's worthy of praise. Overall Resident Evil Infinite Darkness: The Beginning is a welcomed addition to the franchise." ― JP Kristov, Anime Corner "If you're a fan of the Resident Evil games but not up to date with all the other media installments of the series, but looking for stuff to jump in on that quells the void of a new Resident Evil game, this book might do the trick! […] Candido kicks off the book with a good mystery that fits the DNA of Resident Evil, though it's more so an action/suspense thriller than zombie horror, though that isn't a bad thing given that the franchise fluctuates between those genre styles. […] It's no easy task to make a tie-in book to something that's established, I think DeCandido and the rest of the art team deliver a serviceable installment that compliments the franchise." ― Anthony Andujar Jr., Fandom Factor


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Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness - The Beginning

pages: 129

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