
Oblivion Rouge follows the career of a young teenage villager named Oumi as she becomes embroiled in a conflict that threatens a futuristic Africa and the world itself.

Pap Souleye Fall is a Senegalese-American artist who lives and works in Dakar, Senegal. He graduated with honors from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia with a degree in Interdisciplinary Fine Arts and a concentration in sculpture. In 2017, after a residency at WAAW, he participated in the Dak'art biennale twice. He is currently in the Yale University sculpture program finishing his Master's degree. His work deals with themes such as identity, suspended disbelief, and utopian/dystopian ideas on community.
Growing up loving anime and manga titles like Dragonball, Hunter x Hunter, Berserk, and Akira, Pap Souleye's love for storytelling and visual art led him to create his own story. OBLIVION ROUGE was born out of his thoughts on neocolonialism and has developed into a whole un…



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author :

Pap Souleye Fall

publisher :

Saturday AM

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Pages: 226


Pages: 227

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