
Honduran teenager Eli Santos is plucked from his troubled life by an extraterrestrial scout to participate in a galactic tournament that will decide the course of over a trillion lifeforms.

Tony Dawkins, a native of Evanston, Illinois, went through many creative stages growing up. Though he lived in two countries and two states as a kid, he never fell out of love with drawing. Eventually, Tony applied for work with Saturday AM and was able to successfully pitch Titan King. While working as a fire technician during the day, he has returned to Evanston and works on developing as an artist with Titan King.

Eli Santos is a hotheaded Honduran teenager who has made many enemies at every turn of his young life. Concerned for his safety, his father prepares to send him away, but he is abducted not by rebels or criminal gangs but by an alien scout. He has been selected to participate in a galactic tournament that will decide the course of over a trillion lifeforms using gigantic …



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Saturday AM

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TITAN KING Volume 2: The Flame Princess

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