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Hibari, a member of the streaming group Bird's Nest TV, has a secret he can't tell anybody...
He has a super sensitive body that makes him feel uncomfortable when people touch him. Ever insecure about it, he can't even bring himself to approach Kodai, his crush. Then, one day while shooting a video, Kodai and another member, Masato, get too close, too fast...!
With the emergence of such an unexpected rival, Hibari falls into a depressive state uncharacteristic of him...


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Product Details

author :

Kome Kusano

publisher :

Kousaisyobo Inc.(DE)

Rating :


Japanese :

Kenshou Kojirase Haishinsha ga Gachikoi Shitemita

Localization by :


Item List Current ch. 1 completed

True Love Experiment: A Complicated Streamer Takes His Shot! Vol.1

rental available
pages: 166

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