
Yuuki is a 20-year-old college sophomore who has wished for one thing since moving to Tokyo: to find her soulmate. Growing a bit desperate after a long drought, she goes along with a friend to a club for the first time. Her friend thrives, but it's chaotic and loud...just not Yuuki's scene. Just when Yuuki begins to despair that she'll ever find a real, adult relationship, she meets Iori, a man with bleached hair and a slightly scary demeanor...but first impressions don't always tell the whole story. Could destiny still have more cards to play?



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Ummei no Hito ni Deau Hanashi

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How I Met My Soulmate 1

pages: 216

How I Met My Soulmate 2

pages: 198

How I Met My Soulmate 3

pages: 196

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