
Lucia has been infatuated with her cousin, Luka, the Prince of Dacia, for years. But Luka is married to Alexa, and Lucia is left to pine after a man she can't have. Then she meets Hunter Radcliffe, a commoner who has worked hard to build his business and fortune. To escape the oppressive lifestyle of being a royal, Lucia travels with Hunter to New Zealand...and finds herself falling in love. When she discovers she is pregnant with Hunter's child, she is torn between what appears to be a union of convenience and her own yearning for a marriage with love.


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Product Details

artist :

Akemi Maki

original novel :

Robyn Donald

Publisher :


Rating :


Japanese :

Tsukiakari no Yuwaku

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[Sold by Chapter]His Pregnant Princess 01

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[Sold by Chapter]His Pregnant Princess 02

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[Sold by Chapter]His Pregnant Princess 03

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[Sold by Chapter]His Pregnant Princess 04

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[Sold by Chapter]His Pregnant Princess 05

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[Sold by Chapter]His Pregnant Princess 06

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[Sold by Chapter]His Pregnant Princess 07

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[Sold by Chapter]His Pregnant Princess 08

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[Sold by Chapter]His Pregnant Princess 09

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[Sold by Chapter]His Pregnant Princess 10

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[Sold by Chapter]His Pregnant Princess 11

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[Sold by Chapter]His Pregnant Princess 12

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Pages: 19

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