
In Fushimi, Kyoto, a jr. high school girl named Inari, Fushimi has a crush on a boy, and acts a little foolish in trying to tell him her feelings. In a strange turn of events, Inari is able to change shape to the person she wants to be, and her love story in Kyoto takes many drastic turns for the better and worse!


Shonen_MangaRomComFantasyJapanese_CultureAnime/Movie from Manga

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Product Details

Story and Art :

Morohe Yoshida

publisher :


Rating :


Japanese :

Inari Konkon Koiiroha

Localization by :


Item List Current ch. 10 completed

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Inari Konkon 1

Pages: 201

Inari Konkon 2

Pages: 201

Inari Konkon 3

Pages: 201

Inari Konkon 4

Pages: 201

Inari Konkon 5

Pages: 201

Inari Konkon 6

Pages: 201

Inari Konkon 7

Pages: 185

Inari Konkon 8

Pages: 201

Inari Konkon 9

Pages: 199

Inari Konkon 10

Pages: 249

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