
On the trail to find out the truth of who is a real traitor, Alexandra and Richard are doubly undercover. First, they've entered into a marriage only as part of a contract, and second, Alexandra's been masquerading as a man to sneak into places proper women dare not enter. Despite these disguises, will they be able to show their true selves to each other?


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Product Details

artist :

Natsu Momose

original novel :

Sylvia Andrew

Publisher :


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Japanese :

Hanamuko no Yakusoku

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Item List Current ch. 12 completed

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[Sold by Chapter]THE BRIDEGROOM'S BARGAIN 2 01

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[Sold by Chapter]THE BRIDEGROOM'S BARGAIN 2 11

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[Sold by Chapter]THE BRIDEGROOM'S BARGAIN 2 12

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