
Spencer Price has a hand in the robotics field, literally. But designing robotic hands costs a lot of money, so he's helped fund his ambitions by posing for a “science hunks" calendar as Mr. December. When he's forced to help promote the calendar, Lexi Price makes a deal with him: come to her odd family's Christmas dinner, and she'll vouch for what an amazing a date he is. When Price realizes that she comes from money, he thinks he may have just found the supporter he needs.


Classic_Romance_MangaFake_LoversDoctors/ScientistsFree1pt-99ptsUpgrade Completed

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original novel :

Heather MacAllister

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Series :

Mr. December

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Japanese :

Kodokuna Doctor

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Item List Current ch. 12 completed

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[Sold by Chapter]MR. DECEMBER 01

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[Sold by Chapter]MR. DECEMBER 02

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[Sold by Chapter]MR. DECEMBER 03

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[Sold by Chapter]MR. DECEMBER 04

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[Sold by Chapter]MR. DECEMBER 05

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[Sold by Chapter]MR. DECEMBER 06

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[Sold by Chapter]MR. DECEMBER 07

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[Sold by Chapter]MR. DECEMBER 08

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[Sold by Chapter]MR. DECEMBER 09

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[Sold by Chapter]MR. DECEMBER 10

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[Sold by Chapter]MR. DECEMBER 11

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[Sold by Chapter]MR. DECEMBER 12

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