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PLEASE NOTE: This book was originally self-published, and is priced different from our usual content. Please be careful to check the page count and price before purchasing.
High schooler Hinata Fujiura pays a visit to her trashy older sister Kana's apartment to scold her for not saving enough money to make her rent that month. But when Kana's sleazy boyfriend suddenly shows up, he forces himself on Hinata the moment Kana leaves them alone to take a shower! He gropes her breasts and makes her cum over and over with a vibrator... and right when Kana is about to come back, he binds Hinata and shoves her into the closet with him... As he continues to toy with Hinata and bring her to the verge of orgasm for hours, Hinata desperately tries to keep her voice down so her sister won't overhear her. But she slowly finds herself losing to the pleasure washing over her...


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My Sister's Boyfriend Made Me His Plaything Vol.1

rental available
pages: 54

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