
At Dahlia Academy, a prestigious boarding school attended by students of two feuding countries-the eastern Nation of Touwa, and the Principality of West-Romio Inuzuka, leader of the dorms' Touwa first-years, wishes for a romance that can never be. For his ladylove is none other than his arch-enemy, Juliet Persia, leader of the dorms' West first-years! Is Inuzuka ready to risk it all to confess his feelings? And even if Persia somehow agrees to go out with them, how long can they keep a forbidden relationship under wraps?!


Shonen_MangaRomComSchool_LifeAnime/Movie from Manga Completed

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Yousuke Kaneda

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Japanese :

Kishukugakko no Juliet

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Boarding School Juliet (1)

pages: 194

Boarding School Juliet (2)

pages: 194

Boarding School Juliet (3)

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Boarding School Juliet (4)

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Boarding School Juliet (5)

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Boarding School Juliet (6)

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Boarding School Juliet (7)

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Boarding School Juliet (8)

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Boarding School Juliet (11)

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Boarding School Juliet (12)

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Boarding School Juliet (14)

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Boarding School Juliet (15)

pages: 192

Boarding School Juliet (16)

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