
Some live in the deep darkness behind your eyelids. Some eat silence. Some thoughtlessly kill. Some simply drive men mad. They are known as mushicreatures that came into being shortly after life emerged from the primordial ooze. They still exist parallel to our own lives and can only be seen by a select few. As a mushishi, Ginko is one of the few who are aware of their existense, and this young man with a sardonic smile roams from place to place with the knowledge and skill to aid those unwittingly affected by mushi.


Shonen_MangaDramaFantasyAnime/Movie from MangaJapanese_CultureDarkDoctors/ScientistsSerious

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Yuki Urushibara

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Mushishi (1)

pages: 242

Mushishi (2)

pages: 242

Mushishi (3)

pages: 252

Mushishi (4)

pages: 252

Mushishi (5)

pages: 268

Mushishi (6)

pages: 254

Mushishi (7)

pages: 240

Mushishi (8)

pages: 718

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