
Beth, the daughter of a baron, despises noblemen and is determined to remain unmarried. Her orphan cousin Phemie dreams of security and marrying a wealthy man. At a Christmas party, the girls are reunited with the Keith brothers they played with as children. The older brother Jack recently became an earl after a sudden death in the family. Tired of the women drawn only to his title, he secretly switches places with his younger brother Colin. Amid all their secrets, can these longtime friends find the right match?


Classic_Romance_MangaFree1pt-99ptsUpgrade Completed

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Product Details

artist :

Hiroko Miura

original novel :

Lyn Stone

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Japanese :

Christmas ha Hakushakuto

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[Sold by Chapter]CHRISTMAS CHARADE 01

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[Sold by Chapter]CHRISTMAS CHARADE 02

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[Sold by Chapter]CHRISTMAS CHARADE 03

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[Sold by Chapter]CHRISTMAS CHARADE 04

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[Sold by Chapter]CHRISTMAS CHARADE 05

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[Sold by Chapter]CHRISTMAS CHARADE 06

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[Sold by Chapter]CHRISTMAS CHARADE 07

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[Sold by Chapter]CHRISTMAS CHARADE 08

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[Sold by Chapter]CHRISTMAS CHARADE 09

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[Sold by Chapter]CHRISTMAS CHARADE 10

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[Sold by Chapter]CHRISTMAS CHARADE 11

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[Sold by Chapter]CHRISTMAS CHARADE 12

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