
Fumi Ayukawa is the prince of the public's eye in the world of TV anchors, but he can never quite beat out his long-time high school friend and rival, fellow TV anchor Shinichi Oki. They fell out of touch when they both started working, but they manage to reconnect when Shinichi becomes embroiled in a cheating scandal and seeks refuge at Fumi's apartment, realizing that Fumi is the only one he can truly rely on.

The two popular TV anchors start living together in this slow-burn, super sweet story of a caring and compassionate hot guy with plenty of love to give, and his competitive old friend who hides his feelings away and just can't take a hint.


Yaoi_MangaClassmatesProfessionalLocalized by Renta200pts-299pts300pts-399pts

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Product Details

author :

Tsuna Azumi

publisher :

Brite Publishing

Rating :


Japanese :

Nibukute Kawaii Kimi Denakya

Localization by :


Item List Current ch. 1 completed

New Release: Sep 20, 2024 (JST)

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