
Will you please break up my engagement?

Suzu didn't mind being engaged to someone her parents picked, but that man already had a lover! Suzu was so troubled by this that she unexpectedly asked Kousei, a man she just met coincidentally on the day her parents were to meet her betrothed's parents, to help her. However, she learned that Kousei was the vice president of a globally famous brand and then grew nervous about asking him for such a thing. Kousei agreed to break up her engagement in exchange for her agreeing to a certain condition...



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publisher :

BisouBisou Comics

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Japanese :

Konyakuhaki Shimashitaga Onzoushi no Aisareniizuma ni Narimashita

Localization by :

BisouBisou Comics

Item List Current ch. 12 completed

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[Sold by Chapter]From a Broken Engagement to a Loving Marriage (1)

pages: 25

[Sold by Chapter]From a Broken Engagement to a Loving Marriage (2)

pages: 25

[Sold by Chapter]From a Broken Engagement to a Loving Marriage (3)

pages: 25

[Sold by Chapter]From a Broken Engagement to a Loving Marriage (4)

pages: 25

[Sold by Chapter]From a Broken Engagement to a Loving Marriage (5)

pages: 25

[Sold by Chapter]From a Broken Engagement to a Loving Marriage (6)

pages: 25

[Sold by Chapter]From a Broken Engagement to a Loving Marriage (7)

pages: 25

[Sold by Chapter]From a Broken Engagement to a Loving Marriage (8)

pages: 25

[Sold by Chapter]From a Broken Engagement to a Loving Marriage (9)

pages: 26

[Sold by Chapter]From a Broken Engagement to a Loving Marriage (10)

pages: 25

[Sold by Chapter]From a Broken Engagement to a Loving Marriage (11)

pages: 25

[Sold by Chapter]From a Broken Engagement to a Loving Marriage (12)

pages: 25

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