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PLEASE NOTE: This book was originally self-published, and is priced different from our usual content. Please be careful to check the page count and price before purchasing.
Nono has always secretly liked Takeru, who she's known since they were kids. When she hears he has a girlfriend, it puts her in a blue mood for the rest of the day, which Takeru notices, spurring her to confess. But there's a secret hidden in Nono's body that she isn't aware of, and her first time will trigger a mysterious transformation…
Nono has always secretly liked Takeru, who she's known since they were kids. When she hears he has a girlfriend, it puts her in a blue mood for the rest of the day, which Takeru notices, spurring her to confess. But there's a secret hidden in Nono's body that she isn't aware of, and her first time will trigger a mysterious transformation…
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