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PLEASE NOTE: This book was originally self-published, and is priced different from our usual content. Please be careful to check the page count and price before purchasing.

One night when her boyfriend Keiyu isn't home, Ayame decides to experiment with using a vibrator, figuring it will kill time and help her fall asleep. What she didn't figure was that Keiyu had come home early, heard her talking out loud to a daydream of Keiyu while using the vibrator...and become super jealous of the "sex" Ayame was having with the daydream version of himself!! How will the couple resolve this rather unusual case of envy?


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Product Details

author :

Tonezato Honu

publisher :

Irodori Comics

Rating :


Japanese :

Yakimochiyaki de Chotto Sna Koibito ni Onabare Shiteshimaimashita

Localization by :

Irodori Comics

Item List Current ch. 1 completed

My Jealous Boyfriend and My Vibrator (1)

pages: 41

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