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PLEASE NOTE: This book was originally self-published, and is priced different from our usual content. Please be careful to check the page count and price before purchasing.

Former playboy Yukihiro nursed a crush on his refined and mild-mannered (or so she appeared) junior coworker, Chizuru, for just about a whole year before finally confessing his feelings. To his delight, she agreed to go out with him! Yukihiro was all set to take the lead in the relationship, but their roles were dramatically reversed as Chizuru threw back the curtain on her true, unfiltered self! Collected here are 10 short and (relatively) all-ages comics that are 50% gag comedy, 40% flirty romance, and 10% sexiness. They follow the day-to-day lives of Yukihiro, once a womanizer and, now, fallen hopelessly in love, and Chizuru, the secretly lascivious target of his affections.


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Product Details

author :

Ano Nimaru

publisher :

Irodori Comics

Rating :


Localization by :

Irodori Comics

Item List Current ch. 1 completed

Stay Beside Me (1)

pages: 28

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