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Pia was invited to the palace three years ago. It was to attend the wedding banquet of her close friend Jennifer and the crown prince San Rimini. Everyone dressed up, and everything including the building she saw there was like a dazzling dream. Prince Federico, the younger brother of the crown prince, whom people called Prince Perfect, was also beautiful to look at. As Pia visits the palace again to see Jennifer, who is now pregnant, she wonders if Prince Federico will even recognize such a commoner as she. When they meet she is surprised to hear the prince say to her, "Oh, I remember you. You are that rude girl."



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Product Details

artist :

Mio Takai

original novel :

Nicole Burnham

Publisher :


Rating :


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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

Falling for Prince Federico

rental available
pages: 128

User reviews

Binx0r October 01, 2017 (JST)
chicobaby04 November 16, 2014 (JST)

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