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In the year 20XX, the government starts a special program to counteract the declining birth rate in Japan... the Forced Pregnancy Project! Women get taken to the Crimson Room one after another in this unbelievable government plan, and waiting for them is a hell of inescapable rape! They know it's horrible, but for some reason, their bodies can't resist! And so, the main character is gradually corrupted by pleasure!


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Product Details

author :

Amone Hagi

publisher :


Rating :


Japanese :

20XX Nen Umu Kikai Seifu Kounin Tane Tsuke Project

Localization by :


Item List Current ch. 1 completed

Birth Machine 20XX

rental available
pages: 33

User reviews

sakueva August 24, 2014 (JST)
PerromonTheDigipet June 14, 2019 (JST)
Yeonni March 25, 2019 (JST)
Memily October 02, 2015 (JST)
airabella12 January 20, 2015 (JST)
frozen July 05, 2014 (JST)
monolith September 03, 2021 (JST)
TrinaCasey May 25, 2015 (JST)

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