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Becca sneaks into a lavish wedding to get revenge on the groom, Alex, by exposing the truth - that he's heartlessly tossed aside her pregnant sister. However, someone stops her right as she decides to take action. When she turns to see who it is, she is confronted by a very handsome man. She is unaware that he is Christos, the head of Alex Carides' family. The paparazzi witness the commotion, and as Becca and Christos escape, she wonders if she has mistaken him for a security guard...



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Product Details

artist :

Fusako Wazumi

original novel :

Kim Lawrence

Publisher :


Rating :


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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

The Carides Pregnancy

rental available
pages: 128

User reviews

chicobaby04 January 12, 2015 (JST)
ebookrenta098zgivtn February 08, 2022 (JST)

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