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In the Indian Ocean, there is a beautiful island name Moraze ruled by a man named Rafiq.At the opening gala of a luxurious hotel, he kept a close eye on his archenemy Count Gastano. The count's date for the night was a beautiful icy blonde with an air of nobility. Rafiq was sure she could be used as leverage. If only he could take her away from Gastano and keep her under this thumb. That would show the obnoxious count just how inadequate he is, and lure him into the open where Rafiq can take him down. And so, with a sadistic smile on his beautiful face, Rafiq slowly stalked toward his unsuspecting prey.



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Product Details

artist :

Yoko Iwasaki

original novel :

Robyn Donald

Publisher :


Rating :


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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

Innocent Mistress, Royal Wife

rental available
pages: 128

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victressy July 29, 2015 (JST)

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