Devilish Lips

author :

Hiraku Miura


High-schooler Hana Yamada leaves a get-together, not feeling so well. On the way back, she runs into a hot guy who helps her out... but he mistakes her for a middle schooler, and leaves Hana to stew in her own indignation. The next day, when Hana heads to the nurse's office, she finds that infuriating man from yesterday, Shuuji Kido, sat there!! At first, he's sexy, but on the inside, he's one mean teacher. Read "Devilish Lips" and other stories about girls who will do daring things for their first loves!!


Mature_Romance_MangaSadistic_BoyfriendTeachersAnthologiesLocalized by RentaUpgrade Full Volume/Tankobon

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Product Details

author :

Hiraku Miura

publisher :

Takeshobo co.,ltd.

Series :

Devilish Lips- 1 -

Rating :


Japanese :

Akuma na Kuchibiru

Localization by :


Item List Current ch. 1 completed

Devilish Lips

rental available
Pages: 194

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August 14, 2018 (JST)
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