A Miniature-Garden Romance

author :

Natsuo Ito


His wish was to create a work like "he" makes. Living in the dorm at a vocational school for arts and crafts, Masataka has been struggling with his project to produce a "miniature-garden romance". Stuck in a rut, he can't stop thinking about the work of Hiromi Kunitachi, his roommate. Geometrical yet full of emotion, Hiromi's art has enormous appeal to Masataka, along with the strong will that lies behind the nonchalant yet mysterious eyes of his fascinating roommate. In addition to the title work "A Miniature-garden Romance", this book contains four other tales, including "The Teacher's Botany" and "Behind the Magic", which provide the reader with a glimpse into the world of poetry that only this unique author can create.


Yaoi_MangaFantasyDormitoryAnthologiesLocalized by RentaUpgrade Full Volume/Tankobon

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Product Details

author :

Natsuo Ito

publisher :

Brite Publishing

Rating :


Japanese :

Romance no Hakoniwa

Localization by :


Item List Current ch. 1 completed

A Miniature-Garden Romance

rental available
pages: 198

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June 10, 2020 (JST)
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