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On a trip to Las Vegas, Sydney receives an unexpected letter when she checks in to the hotel. "Sweetheart, where are you?" There must be some mistake. Sydney is just a plain-Jane waitress and there are no boys back home who would write her such an ardent letter. Feeling bad for the sender who would inevitably wind up waiting all night for no one, Sydney goes to the appointed bar in order to return the letter. When she approaches an exceedingly handsome gentleman sitting all on his own, the wheels of fate begin to turn for Sydney!



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Product Details

artist :

Makiko Tamai

original novel :

Kathy Marks

Publisher :


Rating :


Localization by :


Item List Current ch. 1 completed

Seducing Sydney

rental available
pages: 129

User reviews

SilverLily17 December 17, 2016 (JST)

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