User Reviews For: A Special Kind of Family


This was a cute love story. I like how a family can come together even when they aren't blood relate.

???This is great story about all sorts of psychological issues.? Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, drug abuse, domestic violence, child abuse.?Such books should be (in this case drawn) in their entirety because of the importance of the topics that are being presented in the book to delve deeper into issues. Comics/Manga can, I think present/educate better than if it were only in novel form, because you can see it, (some of it), because of its importance. I love this story because of how delicately the topics are presented. The Mangaka has done a great job despite the (what is it?) Space limitations?? I'd like to see, if the author wants to, finish all of it & put it on this site. If the MCs' are also dealing with psychological/terminal illnesses those stories should be presented in their entirety on this site.?

Cute story with a much healthier shojo manga style romance than the usual, especially for being in the age gap section. Very Christian good girl vanilla romance. Also didn't love that the estranged father looked like he might have been a POC and that stereotype is propoganda