User Reviews For: Dude, Can I Have Some of Your DNA?


Chapter 1 was funny.I found it funny because the black haired guy was like, oh no we ran out of sperm samples! Like, dude, just replace it and get it over with. No need to hesitate man. Secondly, it's for science! If he was truly a science enthusiast then he woulda just did it with no hesitation. Besides those reasons, I think it's cool they didn't just frick frack right away like most doujins do. It's better when characters aren't so easy to get. Like when you try to get something but it wasn't easy, you treasure it more than something that you got in 1 try.

As of ch 2 it's ok. I don't dislike it and it's cute but it's not doing much for me

Given the title and blurb of this manga, I expected nothing but smut and while yes, I got smut, I also got a very sweet story as well. Saki, for all his teasing, was actually a very decent seme and Nozomu was just adorable. The plot was simple but nicely paced, and I really liked the characters. Also, the art was beautiful. Lovely manga.

Beautiful art and character designs, but feels more like smut for smut. Which feels largely attributed to either the translation or how the author set up the characters. The dialogue seems very generic, with weird mismatched tones for the setting, which makes no real sense of what these charcters are supposed to be or act like. So they seem to have zero personality.

It was a cute and fun story. The story is a bit formulaic other than the pretense behind their first hook up (hookup for science!), but the main character is cute and has good "chemistry" with the love interest, so I like it. (See what I did there? Science joke!) Also the science is pretty laughable, but it is a smutty comedy type yaoi, so that I guess that's to be expected! Given the low price of admission, it was worth it for me, but maybe not for you if you're looking for something more original or angtsy.

I have been wanting to read this for a while, so finally decided to bite the bullet. I went in knowing it wasn't going to be a deep plot with meaningful character development, so if you're hoping for that from a book called “Dude, can I have some DNA?” What's wrong with you? Anyway, I thought it was cute and enjoyed reading it. Typical tropes throughout, and good for a light, quick read that doesn't involve a lot of plot or thinking.

A cute little completed. With the perfect sprinkle of angst, humour and saucy. Highly recommend!

This manga is very cute. I love the couple in it. The one who is innocent and passionate with the one who is protective and mature. They go together well. I enjoy every delicious page.