User Reviews For: How a Mean Guy Falls in Love


If you like sadist guy then this manga is perfect for you; I like how both the guy and the girl are both bold when it comes to their relationship. You can also see more stories with different characters, which also make very interesting love office stories.

This is a nice collection of three stories featuring three different career women in their late twenties early thirties and each woman has a vastly distinctive personality. Woman A was a tough as nails lady who met her match in the most eligible bachelor of the company. Woman B moved to her own drum beat and found love with a man who was anything but his appearance. And lastly Woman C was a pretender of a high caliber who was in love with a too nice for his own good guy. Really sweet, kinda funny good read!

This was a sugar sweet anthology with tons of plot. I appreciated how all three couples were refreshingly different from each other. As many have stated the stories are connected, in a pleasant way. This allows you to see the characters through anothers point of view. Someone that you hastily labeled will become sympathetic once you see their side of the story. I wonder if that was a secret lesson here? The art was nice. The sex scenes were fine but not fan yourself hot. A few panels were drawn weird but considering the author's slow release pace I think it might have just been errors that were forgotten in lieu of something more pressing. This is worth the money.

I have decided to give this story four stars the plot was okay butt to me it didn't have that wow factor that I need it butt if you're looking Just for Love a Story then this is your time story most of the story was about people not understanding each other about how they feel but the ending was right nice