User Reviews For: His Unknown Heir


The moment Lauren starts asking about the seriousness of their relationship, Ramon tells her she's nothing but his mistress and he'll have to marry a Spanish noble someday and produce an heir, then dumps her. A year later he still lusts after her, so he blackmails her to spend time together, then when he finds out about Matty, he threatens to take custody from her, bankrupting her if he must, then kidnaps the both of them while Lauren's unconscious from illness and takes them to Spain. After she recovers, he emotionally manipulates her into marrying him "for Matty's sake" and giving up her job, dismissing her desire to be independent as her "stupid ego". He also lies to her about where he goes, causing misunderstandings, and never gives any indication that he actually cares about her. And yet this jackass dares claim he's felt "true love" for her since they met?! F*k off. F*k. Right. Off.