User Reviews For: Two Guys, One Bed


The first I read this I laugh my ass off the story is so good i just sorry is not on dvd

It's a great story line,love how the two got together and how T tease N . Wish they could show how T end up falling for N lol give him is story also.....

It's smut. Lol. But I love how Tsukasa is such an S and how he teases Natsuki. His expressions are so cute and tempting.

Pretty stupid, but kept making me chuckle. Definitely full of a lack of communication and non-consensual acts...but it never really felt dark to me. Its a light read with ridiculously over the top hormones.

What a sweet story! I love how the story began with them at odds then Tsukasa began to like Natsuki. He at first just got Tsukasa interested in being with a boy -- Getting blow jobs and having sex. They go through innocent HS rituals then they realize how much they are in love. By graduation, it makes you want to really cheer for them because they love each other so much and don't plan to let each other go.

i just read a pretty negative review and actually agreed with it to a certain degree, but felt i wanna qrite my own too :Di BOUGHT this on TWO APPS...idk why xD Anyways, BESIDES the FORCFUL S*x, i kinda liked it the art and the characters were cute (besides the annoying "one says no, but the other takes him anyways" aspect of it)I'm not gonna say "GO GET IT" , but i also dont really regret getting it either xD