User Reviews For: Daddy's Boyfriend


This is a collection of "one shots". Most are pretty good, but there are a few stories the mangaka could've easily expanded, and they would've been even better. Anyway, not bad, and nice art.

As the first review said, not bad, but there could have been more. Some of the stories I cared more about and would have preferred to see more of, and others I could have done without. Nice art though.

It is a collection of one shots, but I loved them all! I really do love the first story though and the cute side story at the end made me laugh. There is some smut, but it is more alluding than actual smut. I is really good and worth renting.

Number 1: Congratulations on quitting smoking! I have a few deceased smokers in my family, Congratulations & Good Luck staying Smoke Free! :() Number 2: The Adult MLs are pretty Hot! (Good Work on that). The Artwork & Stories are very good. I look forward to reading more of this Mangakas work. :()