User Reviews For: Sick [Plus Renta!-Only Bonus]


Rating 5 stars for the pacing of the story, character development, and the use of unique characters that you don't normally see in BL manga. Sure, there's that typical seme that teases the shy uke scenario, but what makes it unique is that unlike most BL manga I've read, this pair actually seems realistic, like it can happen in reality. The pacing of how the artist makes two very different personalities harmonize with each other as the story progresses is refreshing to see compared to the forcefulness I've seen in many other manga. I am hoping there will be more to this story because at the end, I'm left with questions like if Akito will ever fully accept Keito. I don't only want to see Keito x Sena since it would be awesome to see how Keito's affected the lives of those connected to his partner, and vice versa. Haha, especially Akito too, I like seeing things come full circle. Overall this is a nice read. Pull up a chair, sit down with a nice beverage, and enjoy the ride. Reading this title is like downing a smooth latte.

This story is cute and very heartwarming. At first I thought this would be another rape-scenario, however, in the end it didn't turn out that way. It is adorable and I love the two mains and the smut ain't bad either ;)

Adorable!! The characters are unique (in a cute way) and the development is at a pretty comfortable speed. A little ambiguous when it comes to consent though but it adds to the story. One of my favs!

This was absolutely adorable. The character development is spot on. You really end up enjoying the slower build up of their relationship. Definitely worth reading more than once!

super cute uke! story had a great pace and the characters were cute especially the uke's siblings.

I really like this manga though i really wish they kept their names as their last names instead of using their first names right off the bat in the translations. But besides that it's a good read and one of my favorite mangas by the mangaka.

Great art, story and characters! I love how the uke starts off completely indifferent to the seme, but then slowly starts to fall in love with him later on hehe.

One of my favorites. I can reread it many times and I will not get tired of it. The pacing is good and the development of their relationship is good too.

Love it but I wish it had the extra story when they go on a trip with the professor.