User Reviews For: "At This Rate, I'm Gonna Come..." -The Warden's Relentless Pat-Down-


4.5 out of 5

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ClockworkDreams Rating
Brilliant storyline, excellent characters and very hot. Well worth the read!
xisue Rating
I usually like extreme smut and sadistic storylines but the first volume didn't really catch my interest. It has an interesting premise but kind of just skirts around the whole idea without really fleshing it out enough, so it kind of just starts with the mc is here, reemphasize setting, smut and then repeat. It's very quick to digest and doesn't really draw out a lot from the reader in my opinion.
SelenaMarie Rating
The story is awesome and leaves me in suspense. I really want more!
Jessicat Rating
It was very sexy and exciting! Loved every minute of reading it :) <3
lineartes1988 Rating
The art is amazing! The guys are super hot! But, I didn't like Aki! I don't know... This kind of relationship that confuses rape with sexual pleasure. The propose is quite interesting, but I cannot see a way to have romance with this sadic way to be of Aki. I don't see he really care about her... He put her in a jail on the dark in 72 hours!! And let her on a part of prision with other guys that want to rape her!!!!!!! He's not good to her! And I don't really care if he save her on the truck, because he always give his way to torture her even more! I really loved Higa! If the story changed the way and put him and Hina together, it will be best! Higa really cares about her and love her. He risks himself to discovery why Hina is in jail and why Aki hate her so much! Aki is sexy! But Higa is sexier! I really ship him with Hina! Yakumo... You know! He doesn't count! hehe
opippy77 Rating
good & dirty. there are, of course, some obvious plot flaws & "wait a minute" moments... but nobody is expecting hemingway in this medium & genre...
waiwa Rating
I like this story at first it feel strange but after 6 episodes character development is good.Want ep.8 nowwww
sarahelarga Rating
When will the next chapters 30 and up be released ??? They are already released in chinese/japanese website !!!!
Bibimap Rating
Bruh...she just LAYS there, unrestrained, and lets the guy do what he wants. All. The. Time. At least be a bit believable and put up a fight for character development. Its like her arms become wet noodles once her boobs are out.I started out liking this series as a guilty pleasure, but my patience with how paralyzed Hina is when a guy she doesn't want is all up in her business really starts to get as old and crusty as her prison jumpsuit must be.
Secretxxloves Rating
I love the kind of pushy, forceful type at the beginning. The story just gets more interesting from there and I love that it has a story other than just the steamy scenes!