User Reviews For: Love, Forgotten -In a World Where Women Go into Heat...-


Not what anyone would call the next big romance novel, but it's very sweet and enjoyable

Overall, a pretty good read about two childhood friends. The art was also pretty nice.

This might have been more enjoyable if the characters weren't so obviously underage with puberty brought up all the time and a lot of the stuff leaning to being non-con:/

If you're looking for a cute story with vanilla but passionate smut then this is good. It's a short one too which is nice. The art is amazing. Just one thing to clear up though: aromantic is the norm but this world was exactly like ours in the past. The heat thing is to fight dwindling population. Just mentioning this because someone commented in their review that "how would you know what romantic feelings are if they don't exist in your world" and that's because they did exist in the past. Overall, a good read.

This is a cute and sweet series. Personally I think it ends a bit too quickly for my tastes plus there are some things that are still left unanswered which is why I give it 4 stars, however it is still a good series, that is well drawn, colored might I add, and i like the characters. It might not be for everyone this type of romance and plot, but I like it, just wish it maybe was a tad longer like 5 or 6 chapters (which if where being honest would be 10 or 12 since theres two in each ch you buy) but overall I recommend it