User Reviews For: My Dearest Cop


As stated in the description, this is a spin off from "An Innocent Puppy Meets a Two-Faced Cat". Seiji, who is a great comedic supporting character in the previous manga, is a bit more mellow in this one and has his backstory expanded to an interesting direction. The premise is reverse from the previous title where this one has a playful older guy and a serious younger guy, but with the same care to the romance that made Innocent Puppy and Two-Faced Cat so great. And if you are wondering, Naohito and Tohru do make a cameo in this series. This spin off is a must read if you loved their story.

This manga is super cute so far, and the art is literally amazing. If you like more realistic stories with older men (that are still really pretty, lol) then definitely check this out! Niyama-sensei is one of the best BL mangaka out right now, and all of her works are fantastic!

I really liked "An Innocent Puppy Meets a Two-Faced Cat", but I've got to say "My Dearesst Cop" is better. The characters are quirky, and their budding romance is funny. I can't wait to read the next volumme.

I love this artist's stories so much. The style is beautiful and the way they write feels very gentle and heartwarming. I hope they continue to make more manga so I can continue to enjoy this feeling again and again.

This manga is just *chef kiss* perfection! Pretty much every page makes me either laugh, go awww, blush, or stare holes into the computer as I forget about the outside world and completely bury myself in yaoi goodness. Also, there's an adorsble cat in it. If you're not sure whether or not to buy this one, do yourself a favor and just get it right now. You are wasting your time reading about my boner for this masterpiece when you could be experiencing your own. Also, the world needs more yaoi with men that are masculine, and bottoms that don't fit the "cute uke" stereotype. Gets my little bearded heart going.

It's great that the sex was portraited in an realistic manner as well as still being hot and steamy. Well rounded story with a good ending.

the blueballing in chapter 3 was saved by seiji saying 'he that splitteth the valleys, breaketh his rod.'the translators are too funny, its practically illegal reading thisthe art is gorgeous, and even though there is a bit of wanting them to actually bang, the build up and tension is really goodhighly recommend it !!!!!!

This author is awesome. Writes great stuff. The art is amazing. And this is so funny. And sweet. Seriously. Read it.

ITS SO ADORABLE!!! The characters are super lovable, the humor is GREAT and I like how the story and relationship don't feel rushed, it makes it more believable. 10/10 would recommend!!! Although I can't wait for the next volume to come out T_T hehe