User Reviews For: Yata & Momo


I can not believe Renta has Harada's work translated!!!! Get ready for angst and characters that will make you laugh and pull your heart at the same time. This is yaoi that is beyond the cliches.Good for nothing Momo is greedy and loose with his moral, but then he mee ts Yata, who has a heart of gold. Read a yaoi story with a darker more realistic side with themes like child abuse. Warning: this reads like law and order SVU. Please support Harada with getting this legendary work.Also very smutty.

Yatamomo's the story of two imperfect guys who just so happen to be perfectly compatible, one of my favourite tropes. The characters don't fit neatly into the archetypes you expect. Momo especially is a delight: foul-mouthed, irresponsible, and yet so used to being treated badly that you can't help but want the best for him. Momo shows a great combination of emotional immaturity and jadedness, while Yata, the "nice guy", comes with a few temperamental problems of his own. The translation is mostly quite good. Every single one of Harada's sound effects has been translated, which is no mean feat. There was a small error in the second chapter, where Yata says "Let me loosen myself up first." It makes no sense in context unless you realize it should be, "Then *you* loosen yourself up." (You can imagine what kind of scene is playing out.) Still, in general I thought the localization was well done. Note: the preview skips ahead in the story, there's actually quite a bit of material leading up to that point. So if you were worried certain chapters had been cut, don't be. There are even extras!

I was very pleased to see Harada here! Since I live in NA it's hard to find English translations of yaoi, so whenever I do see them I scoop them up. Gotta support the author as much as possible. I love this couple with all of their iniquities, the story is told well, the smut is hot hot hot, and the art is great. Definitely worth every penny this one costs!!

I am so glad I finally gave in and read this one. I absolutely loved it. Firstly, all three volumes focus on them and doesn't hop between couples so you get to really see the progress in their relationship. I repeat, all three volumes is only Yata and Momo. Harada-sensei is known for darker, more mature stories which is why I had avoided the name because I wasn't sure I was emotionally ready but the balance here is so good. The story is heartwarming and emotional. Momo has had a hard time of things, selling his body for some cash to survive on, until he meets Yata, a man who couldn't turn a blind eye. He is caring and compassionate but not without his faults. Their relationship was questionable at first but you can see how much Yata cared for Momo since the beginning. Momo matures during the length of these three volumes and it is such an amazing ride. This is a top three read for me. I loved it and definitely 100% recommend it.

A well written story, with depth between two flawed but beautiful characters. Love the honest dialogue between them and thankful to the author for allowing them the space and intelligence to evolve. It can be frustrating reading stories where characters are only given a passive role as they repeatedly endure tragic events. But here, even though Momo has been shaped by his past none of those darker elements felt contrived, and the author gives him an active role in shaping his life. Looking forward to reading the next two installments.

The art, the storyline, the characters, the gays, all of it so beautiful! I look forward to reading the other books.

Harada is amazing! From great smut, to cute and sexy intimate moments, Momo and Yata has it all. It can get dark, and a bit violent, but it's not for nothing as it provides a richer and more complex character dynamic for both main characters. Very rereadable and worth every ticket, point or dollar you spend.

WOW! I was recommended this manga from a friend of mine who knew I liked the works of Scarlet Beriko (Fourth Generation Head & Jackass) and the Finder Series. This vol 1 did not disappoint. If you are looking for some action with a good starting plot then look no further.However, in regards to plot, I did ding the star rating a little bit. I like that Yata and Momo kind of work through their issues a little with Momo being a bit of a lush (not really solved but he at least recognizes that about himself) and Yata being a bit aggressive (again, not completely solved, but working on it)...but there are some trigger warnings to be had in this series for more sensitive readers. (WARNING: there is some aggressive sexual behavior, bondage, and abusive/manipulative situations). With all of that said I won't get into much because of spoilers, I am intrigued to see how the rest of this series goes with the maturity of their relationship.

I love Harada, the hilarious, heart wrenching and hot stories are always so on point! Another reviewer said she liked this coming from Scarlet Beriko's work and I can say definitely! If you like one of these mangakas, you should definitely read the other's works! Both of them write such beautiful stories and make gorgeous art!