User Reviews For: I Can't Believe a Vibrating Phone Made Me Cum on the Train...


Barely any plot. the blahs were pretty funny at first but then considering how thin the plot was, it just felt lazy. The smut wasn't much either and considering the price it felt not worth it.

Story (little of it that there is) seems over although it doesn't say complete. Basically she gets pinned against someone's pocket when riding the train and his phone starts vibrating. Turns out he's her new co-worker and he has the wrong idea about what happened. The "blahs" the writer used for "shop talk" made me LoL. The first issue was a little expensive, but you're basically getting two chapters in one issue, the art style is nice, and both volumes are in full color.

Wow. Believe when you read this title is awful. WAAAY to expensive for what you get. It's like the author or translator got lazy half way through and you can skip half the story and still know exactly what is going on. No real shut, and less story.Save your points.